BEFORE THE STORM was proudly produced under the non-profit FLIGHT PATH PRODUCTIONS. In order to continue pushing this film- as well as FPP’s other socially conscious projects forward- please consider DONATING


FLIGHT PATH PRODUCTIONS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit production company whose mission is to create humanitarian-focused, socially aware films that help connect and unite by depicting varied walks of life that celebrate our differences in order to ultimately reveal our similarities and dispel that which would divide. We are one. And the most powerful and impactful way to show that- to instigate change- to move our hearts and souls towards love, acceptance, compassion, and ultimately, action- is through storytelling.

No two paths are ALIKE, yet STILL we arrive at the same destination

Please support FPP by making a tax-deductible donation today.

EIN # 82-33134137



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